用带 FPD检测器的气相色谱仪测定了必宁特可湿性粉剂中莎稗磷 (Anilofos)在稻株、稻田水和土壤中的残留及消解动态。 2年 2地的试验结果表明 ,莎稗磷在稻株、稻田水和土壤中的消解都很快 ;莎稗磷在稻株、稻田水和土壤中的半衰期分别为 2~ 3d、1~ 2 d和 4~ 5d。到水稻收割时 ,莎稗磷在 2地水稻和北方 (北京 )土壤中均未检出残留 ,仅在南方 (扬州 )高剂量施药区的土壤中检出了痕量的残留
Residues and digestion dynamics of Anilofos in rice plant, paddy water and soil were determined by gas chromatography with FPD detector. The test results of 2 years and 2 years showed that the digestion of Atripropionine was fast in rice plants, rice paddy water and soil. The half-lives of Atriproponite in rice plants, rice paddy water and soil were 2 ~ 3d, 1 ~ 2 d and 4 ~ 5d. By the time of rice harvesting, no residues were detected in the rice in both areas and in the soil in the north (Beijing), and traces of residues were detected only in the soil in the high-dose application areas in the south (Yangzhou)