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今年五月,本刊与北京市卫生局药政处、北京市药检所共同组织召开了“树首都意识,创首都名牌”重点药品生产、经营企业负责人座谈会。会上,北京制药厂、北京同仁堂制药集团、北京四环制药厂、北大维信等30余个企业的负责人就加强质量管理,树立首都意识,创首都名牌进行了座谈。大家一致认为,名牌产品是靠质量创造的,不是靠广告打出来的,市场需要首都的名牌,企业家们有义务创造首都乃至全国的名牌产品。今年初,贾庆林市长在政府工作报告中提出要巩固、壮大名牌产品,提高首都产品的市场占有率。生物工程和新医药是贾庆林市长要求积极培育和扶持的新的经济增长点之一(见97年政府工作报告)。从这期开始,我们将开辟树首都意识,创首都名牌系列报道专栏,对产品质量好,企业信誉高的新兴制药企业、国营老字号制药企业进行全方位报道,为创造首都名牌药品,尽我们的一份职责。 In May of this year, the journal, together with the Department of Drug Administration of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Health and the Beijing Municipal Institute for Drug Control, jointly organized a forum for the heads of key pharmaceutical production and management companies with the “City Capital Awareness, Creating a Famous Brand of the Capital”. At the meeting, heads of more than 30 companies, including Beijing Pharmaceutical Factory, Beijing Tongrentang Pharmaceutical Group, Beijing Sihuan Pharmaceutical Factory, and Peking University Weida, strengthened their quality management, established capital awareness, and held discussions with famous capital brands. Everyone agreed that brand-name products are created by quality, not by advertisements. The market needs brand names in the capital, and entrepreneurs are obliged to create brand-name products in the capital and even in the country. At the beginning of this year, Mayor Jia Qinglin proposed in the government work report to consolidate and expand brand-name products and increase the market share of the capital products. Bioengineering and new medicine is one of the new economic growth points that Jiaqing Lin may require to actively cultivate and support (see the 1997 government work report). From this period onwards, we will open up a tree capital awareness and create a series of capital brand-name reports. We will provide full coverage of emerging pharmaceutical companies and state-owned pharmaceutical companies with good product quality and high reputation. We will do our best to create brand-name drugs in the capital. A responsibility.
1996年10月份在奥地利维也纳举行的尼古拉斯。霍尔(Nicholas Hall & Co.)公司年度自行用药会议上,该公司发表的《非处方药(OTC)新闻及销售报告》提供的资料显示,1995年世界
30年有多长?  二战胜利到文革结束,差不多30年,内中的起伏逆折纠结,漫长得好像100年;从1889光绪皇帝亲政到五四运动,也是30年,多少兴亡,多少荣辱,好像跨越了古今多少代;从五四到四九,又是30年,刀光剑影,血肉贲张,如同天和地全都翻覆。30年,自然界可以把大河从东方移动到西方。30年,人类社会的沧海桑田里也足以容纳一个甚至几个王朝。  全称为“中国诗坛1986’现代诗群体大展”的那件事儿
1997年12月4~5日,在华东电力试验研究院召开华东五省一市的电力科技期刊1997年审读总结会议。从审读意见中反映出:(1) 各期刊在政治质量、办刊方针、先进性、实用性、宗旨及