各位代表、各位专家学者: 由国务院特区办研究室、《特区经济》杂志社及深圳市税务局第二分局联合主办的“中国特区经济发展比较研讨会”今天开幕了。我受市委的委托,很高兴参加了今天的会议。首先,我代表深圳市委、市政府向本次会议的召开表示热烈祝贺!向诸位来宾表示热烈的欢迎! 在世界经济一体化趋势不断发展和我国全方位改革开放格局逐步形成的形势下,召开这样一次比较研讨会是很有意义的。作为改革开放进程中的一项重大举措,我国先后创办了五个经济特区。从创办之日起,各个特区按照改革开放的大政方针,充分利用中央给予的优惠政策,大胆实践、勇于探索,积极转换机制、引进外资、培育市场,在很短时间内就使自身的面貌发生了很大的变化,较好地发挥了“窗口”、“试验场”和示范、探路的作用。因此,及时总结特区的实践经验,研究解决特区发展过程中遇到的情况和问题,谋求特区在新形势下的不断发展,是每一个特区建设者和所有关心特区事业的人们
Dear Delegates, Experts and Experts: The “Seminar on Comparative Economic Development in China’s Special Economic Region,” co-sponsored by the Office of the State Council Special Economic Zone Office, the “Special Economic Zone” magazine and the Second Branch of the Shenzhen Municipal Taxation Bureau, opened today. I entrusted by the municipal party committee, I am pleased to participate in today’s meeting. First of all, on behalf of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and the Shenzhen Municipal Government, I hereby extend my warm congratulation on the convening of this meeting! Warmly welcome all the guests! With the trend of world economic integration developing and the pattern of our country’s all-round reform and opening up gradually taking shape, A comparison seminar is very meaningful. As a major move in the process of reform and opening up, China has successively established five special economic zones. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, all the SEZs have taken full advantage of the preferential policies promulgated by the Central Government in their implementation of the principle of reform and opening up, boldly practiced, bravely explored, actively transformed the mechanism, introduced foreign investment and fostered the market and made their appearance happen within a very short period of time A great change, better play a “window”, “test ground” and demonstration, Pathfinder role. Therefore, timely summarizing the practical experience of the SAR, studying and solving the problems and problems encountered in the development of the SAR, and seeking the continuous development of the SAR in the new situation are the constructions of every SEZ builder and all those who are concerned about the cause of the SAR