一个正式职工只有26人的校办工厂,建厂几年一直亏损,1991年利税只有1万多元,在短短三年多的时间,产值达到600万,利税突破100万大关,产品行销多省,覆盖多个行业、并与多种产品配套出口。是什么力量使这个濒临倒闭边缘的湖北谷城塑料编织厂起死回生,实现超常规的发展呢? 紧抓标准促质量 标准和质量紧密相关,谷城塑编厂以其丰富的信息触角敏捷地抓住了标准这个关键,1991年他们在技术监督部门复印回一套国家标准,将标准中的技术指
A school-run factory with only 26 regular employees has suffered losses for several years. In 1991, the profit and tax amounted to only 10,000 yuan. In just over three years, the output value reached 6 million yuan, and the profit and tax exceeded 1 million yuan. Product marketing Many provinces, covering multiple industries, and supporting a variety of products export. What is the strength to make this Hubei Gucheng plastic weaving plant on the brink of collapse close back to life, to achieve extraordinary development? Close attention to standard quality standards and quality are closely related, Gucheng plastic factory with its agile abundance of information to seize the agile The standard was the key. In 1991, they copied a set of national standards in the technical supervision department.