关于卫星和地面无线电定位技术的书籍不可谓不多,2012年ELSEVIER出版社出版的《Satellite and Terrestrial Radio Positioning Techniques:A Signal Processing Perspective》(卫星和地面无线电定位技术——信号处理视角)在这种背景下面世,却带来了久违的“新鲜感”。事实上,大多数定位方面的书籍都只关注某个特定系统,但其实不同定位系统获取用户位置信息的机制和基本方式都是相似的,而且未来无缝定位系统的设计如果要追求效能的集成,必然也离不开对不同技术的一个全局认知。这本由欧洲无线通信卓越网络(NEWCOM++)这一机构的诸多研究人员合作编著的新书,尝试提供一个更广阔的视角来看待卫星和地面定位及导航技术,即从信号处理这一共同点出
The books on satellite and terrestrial radiolocation technology are numerous and the “Satellite and Terrestrial Radio Positioning Techniques: A Signal Processing Perspective” by ELSEVIER 2012 published in this Released in the background, but has brought a long absence, “freshness.” In fact, most books on orientation only focus on a particular system, but in fact, the mechanisms and basic methods for obtaining location information by different positioning systems are similar. In the future, the design of a seamless positioning system needs to be integrated in terms of performance , Must also be inseparable from a global understanding of different technologies. The new book, co-authored by researchers at NEWCOM ++, tries to provide a broader perspective on satellite and terrestrial positioning and navigation technologies, from the common point of signal processing