The Use of the L1 in the L2 Classroom

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  Abstract:The use of students’ L1 in the L2 classroom has long been a controversial issue in language learning and teaching in terms of second language acquisition (SLA).This article will discuss different views about whether using L1 in the L2 classroom,and provides a series of new understandings of this topic.
  Keywords:L1;L2;second language acquisition
  It is commonly believed that the L1 should be explicitly rejected and the exclusive use of L2 should be advocated for SLA.As Cummins (2007) puts it,no use of the L1 in the L2 classroom has been advocated in the leading approach of second language teaching.This can be seen from the fact that discouraging the L1 use has been very popular for a very long period since the Great Reform of the late nineteenth century (Cook,2001).Most popular teaching methods except grammar-translation attempt to avoid using students’ L1 in the classroom,including direct method,audiolingualism,communicative language teaching and task-based learning method (Cook,2001).For instance,audiolingualism advocates making L1 inactive when L2 is being learned (Brooks,1964).
  However,proponents of the L1 use argue that the use of the L1 can facilitate L2 learning process and they pay attention to its cautious,appropriate incorporation into the L2 classroom (Cook,2001).Two main reasons concerning cognitive and sociolinguistic aspects will be examined to support their stance.Firstly,on the basis of the cognitive theory,learners having mastered their L1 are experienced cognitive persons who can depend on their L1 to comprehend the world,new notions and a new language.So L1 use can act as a cognitive tool for them to learn L2 (Artemeva,1995).Secondly,from a sociolinguistic perspective,the classroom is a multilingual context where it is essential to abandon monolingual native speaker disciplines,so students should be regarded as developing ‘multicompetent’ users (Belz,2003) whose comprehensive knowledge of L1 can facilitate L2 learning.
  There are virtually many conflicts in the exclusive use of L2 in the L2 classroom.To learn a language is to expose learners to it.Proponents of exclusive L2 use,therefore,advocate L2 should be maximized by avoiding L1.They maintain that there is no need for L2 learners to make sense of everything from the teacher and that resorting to L1 impedes the process of learning.In addition,utilizing L2 completely enables learners to experience real communication,undergo the unpredictability of real language use and promote their own internal language system (Halliwell & Jones,1991).These functions are underpinned by Krashen’s Input Hypothesis of comprehensible input and natural order of acquisition.However,critics state the process of engaging students in classroom interaction showcases itself in the Initiation Response Feedback (IRF) order (Sinclair & Coulthard,1975),which does not show real communication.Even though learners are involved in a wide range of topics,the language used by them may be constrained in regards to topics,roles and language functions (Cook,2001);above all,it is meaningful to concentrate on input quality rather than quantity (Dickson,1992).   In conclusion,no precise theoretical rationale for L1 use in the L2 classroom has been put forward.It is advisable to take factors of a particular context into consideration.
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  [3]Brooks,N.Language and Language Learning[J].New York:Harcourt Brace,1964.
  [4]Cook,V.Using the first language in the classroom[J].Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes,2001,57(3):402-423.
  [5]Cummins,J.Rethinking monolingual instructional strategies inmultilingual classrooms[J].Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics,2007,10:221–240.
  [6]Dickson,P.Using the target language in modern foreign language classrooms[J].Slough,UK:National Foundation for Educational Research,1992.
  [7]Halliwell,S.,& Jones,B.On target[J].London:Center for Information on Language Teaching,1991.
  [8]Sinclair,J.,& Coulthard,M.Towards an Analysis of Discourse[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1975.
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