目的:通过调查疾病预防控制机构的突发公共卫生事件应急能力现状,分析影响应急能力水平。方法:采用自制调查问卷方法,按照分层整群随机抽样的原则,对黑龙江省46家疾病预防控制机构1 008名相关人员进行调查。结果:应急能力自评的平均分为52.06,应急能力自评标准化平均分为66.61,自评得分高于测评得分;职称、专业、年龄、应急培训参与情况以及对开展测评的认知是应急能力水平的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论:需加强培训和演练,促进人员提高应急能力,注重不同年龄段人员的能力差异,针对不同专业背景和职业发展阶段的特点,有重点地提高人员应急能力,继续发挥职称晋级的正向激励作用。
Objective: To investigate the status quo of emergency capabilities of public health emergencies in CDC and analyze the impact of emergency response capacity. Methods: Using the method of self-made questionnaire, according to the principle of stratified cluster random sampling, 1 008 persons in 46 disease prevention and control institutions in Heilongjiang Province were investigated. Results: The average self-assessment of emergency response ability was 52.06, the average self-assessment of emergency response ability was 66.61, and the self-assessment score was higher than the assessment score. The professional title, professionalism, age, participation in emergency training and cognitive assessment were the emergency response ability The level of influence factors (P <0.05). Conclusion: It is necessary to strengthen training and rehearsal to promote staff ability to improve emergency response, pay attention to the ability of different age groups, according to different professional backgrounds and characteristics of career development stage, focus on improving staff emergency response capabilities, and continue to play a positive incentive for promotion effect.