1、新艺术语言创造,要体现传统性 一种新的艺术语言的创造是否成功,不仅仅要看艺术家本人的自我宣言,而是要看他所创造的这种艺术符号,是否反映了事物的本质,符合事物发展的规律以及有无体现传统绘画精神。传统的中国绘画语言是使繁乱复杂的事物,归纳整理概括形成简约的形式以适合中国画圆笔头的表现——达到一笔一个物像的境界,如一笔一个竹叶,一笔一个兰草。我就是根据这种传统绘
1. The Creation of Art Nouveau, to Embrace Tradition The success of creating a new art language depends not only on the artist’s own self-declaration but on whether the artistic symbol he created reflects the essence of things , In line with the law of the development of things and whether or not to reflect the spirit of traditional painting. The traditional Chinese painting language makes the complicated things complicated and inductively summarized to form a simple form suitable for the performance of Chinese painting and calligraphy - to achieve the realm of objects and objects like bamboo leaves and blue grass one by one. I just painted according to this tradition