桂林,作为旅游名城,山水甲天下,享誉海内外。东西方文化的融汇交流使桂林的政治、文化、经济、交通、商贸百业迅速发展。古往今来的历史积淀所形成的商旅文化氛围,使得桂林人更乐于接受高品位的生活方式,竟相追求时尚新潮。而这就意昧着旺盛的消费需求与无限商机。 如今,拥有甲天下山水的桂林又平添一处商业文化的城市新景观——桂林甲天下家居广场。得益于桂林国贸展览中心优越的地理位置及其完备的硬件设施,甲天下家居高举“居室文化”的旗帜,诚邀深圳大豪、中山国泰、广州穗宝、星港床具等国内知名厂商,汇聚家具精品名牌,于9月11日隆重开业。
Guilin, as a famous tourist city, is famous both at home and abroad. The integration of eastern and western cultures has enabled the rapid development of the political, cultural, economic, transportation, and business sectors in Guilin. The cultural atmosphere of business and tourism formed by historical accumulations from ancient times to the present, makes Guilin people more willing to accept high-grade lifestyles and actually pursue fashion trends. This means that there is strong consumer demand and unlimited business opportunities. Nowadays, Guilin, which has the landscape of Jia Tianxia, has added a new commercial landscape to the city – Guilin Jia Tian Xia Home Plaza. Thanks to the superior geographical position of Guilin International Trade Exhibition Center and its complete hardware facilities, Jia Tian Xia Family holds high the banner of “House Culture” and invites Shenzhen Dahao, Zhongshan Cathay Pacific, Guangzhou Sui Bao, Xing Gang Beds and other well-known domestic manufacturers. Bringing together fine furniture brands, the grand opening on September 11th.