琼斯国际大学通过了地区的鉴定认可——这是第一所通过美国地区鉴定机构鉴定认可的完全虚拟大学——从而在学术界引发了热烈的讨论。他们把对有关学术人员与教师角色的变化的关注用来作为反对人们狂热追逐新教学机会的依据这篇论文以琼斯国际大学五年来活生生的在线教学的实际例证为基础 ,来检验当我们决定采用通过计算机网络实施教育活动时 ,教学活动本身、教师的角色、学生的责任以及大学的文化氛围等究竟发生了哪些方面的变化
Jones International University passed a regional accreditation - the first fully virtual university accredited by accredited regional accreditation bodies in the United States - and led to heated discussions in academia. They use their focus on changes in the academic and faculty roles as a basis for opposing fanatical chase for new teaching opportunities. This essay is based on a practical illustration of live, online teaching at Jones International University for five years to test when we decided to adopt When implementing educational activities through computer networks, what happens to teaching activities, teacher roles, student responsibilities, and university culture?