利用巨磁阻抗效应的非易失性存储器MRAM终于正式面世,飞思卡尔公司率先推出容量为4M b的MRAM产品。从目前的产品规格及开发状况判断,MRAM的用途仍被局限在一些特定的市场上。目前正在开拓要求可进行无限次读写操作、且需要使用可在高温下工作的非易失性存储器的市场。具有这些?
The use of giant magnetoresistive effect of non-volatile memory MRAM has finally officially launched, Freescale introduced the first volume of 4Mb MRAM products. Judging from the current product specifications and development status, the use of MRAM is still limited to some specific markets. There is currently a market that requires unlimited read and write operations and the need to use non-volatile memory that can operate at high temperatures. Have these?