21 世纪是人类依靠知识创新和可持续发展的世纪,世界进入知识经济时代,我国“知识经济已见端倪”。“知识经济”一词,生动地反映、准确地概括了当代社会进步中最突出的特征:人类社会的可持续发展,从过去的主要依靠自然资源、资金,转移到了今天的主要依靠人类自身的聪明智慧。这
The 21st century is a century in which mankind relies on knowledge innovation and sustainable development. The world has entered a time of knowledge-based economy. China’s “knowledge-based economy has taken shape.” The term “knowledge-based economy” vividly reflects and accurately summarizes the most prominent features of contemporary social progress: the sustainable development of human society has shifted from mainly relying on natural resources and funds in the past to today’s relies mainly on human beings Smart and wise This