1.现代隐喻研究的五大流派亚里士多德开创了隐喻研究的时代。他阐释了不同概念域的两个事物之间的联系,为后来的对比论奠定了基础。顾名思义,对比论就是拿一种事物与另一种事物相比较。据此,“Man is awolf”相当于明喻“Man is like a wolf”,只不过这里的“like”被省略了。
1. Aristotle, the top five schools of modern metaphor research, pioneered the metaphorical research era. He explained the connection between two things in different conceptual domains, which laid the foundation for the later comparative theory. As the name suggests, contrast theory is to compare one thing with another. Accordingly, “Man is awolf” is equivalent to the simile “Man is like a wolf”, but here “like” is omitted.