本文介绍了电子能量损失谱的基本原理、能量过滤成像分析及应用电子能量损失谱计算碳同素异构体的电子密度和sp2键结构的含量。同时应用透射电镜(TEM)和电镜配置的能量过滤成像系统(gatan imaging filter),结合电子能量损失谱研究类金刚石(a-C/Ta-C)和Al/AlN两种纳米多层膜的形态、结构和膜中各元素的分布。结果显示透射电镜观察配合电子能量损失谱在纳米多层膜表征中将会扮演一个重要角色。
In this paper, the basic principle of electron energy loss spectroscopy, energy filtration imaging analysis and electronic energy loss spectroscopy are introduced to calculate the electronic density and sp2 bond content of carbon allotropes. At the same time, the morphology and structure of both aC / Ta-C and Al / AlN multilayers were studied by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron microscopy (Gatan imaging filter) And the distribution of the elements in the film. The results show that transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy will play an important role in the characterization of nanofilms.