小儿股骨干骨折的传统治疗方法是采取非手术治疗,但并发症较多。近年来,对该病的治疗要求尽可能缩短卧床时间而倾向于手术治疗。我们自1988~1995年,采用钢板固定治疗各种类型的小儿股骨干骨折56例,获得较满意效果。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 本组男38例,女
The traditional treatment of pediatric femoral shaft fractures is to take non-surgical treatment, but more complications. In recent years, the treatment of the disease requires a reduction in bed time as much as possible and tends to be surgically treated. We from 1988 to 1995, the use of plate fixation of various types of pediatric femoral shaft fractures in 56 cases, get more satisfactory results. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information The group of 38 males and females