通过接种微生物的醋糟堆肥试验,研究醋糟堆肥过程中生物学指标、物理指标和化学指标的变化。结果表明,接种促进了醋糟堆肥的物质转化,但对其稳定过程没有显著影响;堆温、可溶性碳含量会因含水率过低而降低,堆温接近环境温度、可溶性碳含量降到15 g/kg以下仅是醋糟堆肥腐熟的必要条件;醋糟堆肥中硝态氮含量过低,作为腐熟指标的可靠性还有待证实;pH值降到7以下、碳氮比降至16、铵态氮含量降到4 g/kg左右可以作为醋糟堆肥腐熟的评价指标。
Through inoculation of microbial vinegar composting test, the changes of biological, physical and chemical indexes during the composting of vinegar grains were studied. The results showed that the inoculation promoted the material conversion of vinegar grains composting, but had no significant effect on the stability of the composting. The temperature and soluble carbon content decreased due to the low moisture content. The stack temperature was close to the ambient temperature and the soluble carbon content dropped to 15 g / kg The following is only necessary compost vinegar compost compost; vinegar compost composites nitrate content is too low, as the reliability of maturity indicator yet to be confirmed; pH value dropped below 7, C / N ratio dropped to 16, ammonium Nitrogen content down to about 4 g / kg can be used as vinegar composting compost evaluation index.