目的 :调查海口市三级甲等医院专科护士职业认同现状;分析影响专科护士职业认同状况的因素。方法 :采用描述性研究的方法,对海口市全部三级甲等医院内的198名专科护士进行问卷调查,调查工具为护士职业认同量表中文版。结果 :专科护士职业认同得分为(5.70±0.62)分,各维度标准化得分由高到低为:自我决定感、组织影响感、有意义感、自我效力感、患者影响感、把握感、一致感;各领域专科护士职业认同得分在5.23~6.20之间;职务、性别、岗位津贴、专科领域、继续教育、学术交流、发表论文情况进入回归方程,联合解释总变异量的35.8%。结论 :海口市三级甲等综合医院专科护士的职业认同感处于较高水平。其中自我决定感得分最高,一致感得分最低。不同专科领域的专科护士职业认同有差异。重症专科领域的专科护士职业认同高。护士长、男性、有岗位津贴、重症专业、参加继续教育及学术交流、有发表论文的专科护士职业认同感高。
Objective: To investigate the status quo of occupational identification of nurses in tertiary hospitals in Haikou, and to analyze the factors influencing occupational identification of nurses in tertiary hospitals. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted to investigate 198 specialist nurses in all three first class hospitals in Haikou City. The survey tools were the Chinese version of the Nursing Professional Identification Scale. Results: The score of occupational nurses occupational identification was (5.70 ± 0.62) points, and the scores of standardization in all dimensions were as follows: self-determination, organizational impact, sense of meaning, sense of self-efficacy, patient influence, grasping sense, ; Professional nurses in all fields occupational recognition score of 5.23 to 6.20; job, gender, job allowance, specialist fields, continuing education, academic exchanges, published papers into the regression equation, joint explanation of 35.8% of total variance. Conclusion: The professional identity of nurses in Grade A general hospitals in Haikou City is at a high level. Among them, the highest self-determination score, the lowest consensus score. Occupational nurses in different specialist areas occupational differences are different. Severe specialist specialist nurses high professional recognition. Head nurses, men, job allowance, intensive major, to participate in continuing education and academic exchanges, academic papers published specialist nurses high professional identity.