设计师充分利用花园、湖景优势,以米啡色为主调,配合现代的手法、糅合中西方艺术元素,为屋主呈现矜贵非凡、品位盎然的生活体验。甫入玄关,一组饰有水晶条及镜钢框的巨型玻璃屏风摄人眼目,令这层高6米的空间倍显尊贵大气。走进偌大的客餐厅,只见由新月亮古、雅士白及黑白根云石拼砌的中式地面拼花,与白色欧式造型天花相映成趣。客厅背景墙饰以玲珑白玉石拼花,在水晶吊灯的绚丽光芒下,尽显奢华气势。饰有银杏叶图案的地毯上,摆放着美国Jiun Ho品牌家具,搭配色彩明快的饰品,为大厅增添几分温馨暖意。毗邻的餐厅瑰丽堂皇,一盏波浪形水晶灯自天花徐徐垂下,点点灯光洒落在橙色扪布餐椅上,焕发矜贵和谐之感。厅侧设有精致现代的装饰柜,错落有致地摆放着各式精品,迎合住家超凡脱俗
Taking full advantage of the garden and lake view, the designer focuses on beige and mixes Chinese and Western art elements with modern techniques to create an extraordinary and exquisite life experience for the owner. Just enter the entrance, a group decorated with crystal strips and mirror steel frame giant glass screen, so that this layer of 6-meter-high space dignified noble atmosphere. Into the huge dining room, saw only by the Crescent Moon ancient, Asparagus white marble and black marble floor mosaic spell, and white European style ceiling match. Living room wall decorated with exquisite white jade parquet, crystal chandeliers in the brilliant light, 尽显 luxury momentum. Ginkgo biloba decorated with the pattern of the carpet, the United States placed Jiun Ho brand furniture, with bright colors of jewelry, add a little warmth for the hall warmth. Adjacent to the restaurant magnificent, a wave-shaped crystal lamp hanging downstairs, a little light splashed on the orange cloth armchairs, glittering your sense of harmony. Hall side with exquisite modern decorative cabinets, patchwork of all kinds of boutique placed to meet the home extraordinary vulgar