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  United Kingdom, England, Great Britain? Are these three the same place? Are they different places? Do British people secretly laugh those who use the terms incorrectly? Who knows the answers to these questions? I do, and I’m gonna tell you right now.
  Part of the confusion is that the United Kingdom is not a single country but it instead is a country of countries. It contains inside of it four co-equal and sovereign nations.
  Each country has a local term for the population. While you can call them all “British”, it’s not recommended as the four countries generally don’t like each other.
  The Northern Irish, Scottish and Welsh regard the English as slave-driving colonial masters — no matter that all three have their own devolved Parliaments, and are allowed to vote on English laws despite the reverse not being true — and the English generally regard the rest as rural yokels who spend too much time with their sheep.
  However, as the four constituent countries don’t have their own passports, they are all British Citizens, like it or not. They are British Citizens of the United Kingdom, whose full name by the way is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  Unlike England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, Great Britain is a geographical rather than a political term. Great Britain is the largest island among the British Isles.
  Within the United Kingdom, the term ‘Great Britain’ is often used to refer to England, Scotland and Wales alone, with the intentional exclusion of Northern Ireland. This is mostly, but not completely true, as all three constituent countries have islands that are not part of Great Britain, such as The Isle of Wight, part of England, the Welsh Isle of Anglesey, the Scottish Hebrides, the Shetland Islands, the Orkney Islands and the Islands of the Clyde.
  The second biggest island in the British Isles is Ireland.
  It is worth noting at this point that Ireland is not a country. Like Great Britain, it’s a geographical, not political term.
  The Island of Ireland contains on it two countries: Northern Ireland, which we have already discussed and the Republic of Ireland.
  When people say they are Irish, they are referring to the Republic of Ireland, which is a separate country from the United Kingdom.
  However, both the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom are members of the European Union, even though England in particular likes to pretend that it’s an Island in the Mid-Atlantic, rather than 50 kilometers off the coast of France. But that’s a story for another time.
蒸菜中,最难蒸的是鱼。火候,少一分太嫩,多一分又太老,就像民国时期的王映霞,成仿吾说她是绝顶美女,增一分太肥,减一分则太瘦。阿三是蒸菜师傅,阿三说:“……蒸菜么,就是把生的东西蒸蒸熟,活的东西蒸蒸死,淡的东西蒸蒸咸……”  阿三既不是杭州人,也不是余杭人,戴一只金表,一根很粗的金项链。阿三蒸的菜,粗看清汤光水,一吃,吓一头:“介鲜啊!要命哉。”  我跟阿三谈起过蒸菜这个事情,阿三说:“……很简单,
张强如今不隶属于任何一家医院,他是一名“自由医生”。  张强的名片很简单,正面印着“张强医生”,反面印着“Dr. Smile”(微笑医生)。每天早晨7点,张强都会在iPad上画一幅风景画,发送到微博和微信上。他喜欢戴花色手术帽,“因为这能给病人带来好心情。” 在医院, 这种印有“CARE、HEAL”(关心、健康)字样的个性手术帽,在术后经常“丢失”,因为“喜欢它的护士们太多了”。做手术时,张强会在
5,000 runners have been told they fell short of completing a marathon last month by just 264m because of an organisational blunder.  由于主办方的组织失误,上月在英国举办的一场马拉松比赛近5000人参赛选手,被告知他们因为少跑了264米路程而未完成比赛。  Runne
Florence Nightingale was a celebrated British social reformer and statistician, and the founder of modern nursing. She came to prominence while serving as a nurse during the Crimean War, where she ten
希望你自始至终都是一个理想主义者。你可以是农民,可以是工程师,可以是演员,可以是流浪汉,但你首先必须是个理想主义者。  当你童年,我们讲英雄的故事给你听,并不是要你一定成为英雄,而是希望你具有纯正的品格;当你少年,我们让你接触诗歌、绘画、音乐,是为了让你的心灵填满高尚的情趣。这些高尚的情趣会支撑你的一生,使你在最严酷的冬天也不会忘记玫瑰的芳香。  不要为自己的外形担忧。理想纯洁你的气质,而最美貌的
William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world’s pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England’s national poet
“人要是没了理想,跟一条咸鱼有什么分别?”  ——周星驰,《少林足球》  “真正的光明绝不是永没有黑暗的时间,只是永不被黑暗所掩蔽罢了。真正的英雄绝不是永没有卑下的情操,只是永不被卑下的情操所屈服罢了。所以在你要战胜外来的敌人之前,先得战胜你内在的敌人;你不必害怕沉沦堕落,只消你能不断地自拔与更新。”  ——傅雷  我相信,这世界上每个人都有一颗浪漫的心,都觉得自己与别人不同,憧憬一个不平凡的人生
Two men have been banned for life from an all-you-can-eat restaurant after their appetites left the manager fearing for the future of his business.  因为担心这两个太能吃的吃货会影响生意,英国一家自助餐厅的经理决定将这两名男子终身封杀。  George
这是真的。  那时唐山还是一座不起眼的城市,那座高耸的纪念碑和无数新楼房是后来才出现的。  一位知识女性和一位在文化界工作的男子,不幸而有了一次倾心交谈的机会。他们都有丰富的感情,有很高的文化修养和追求精神生活的愿望,心情投合,才貌相当。如果他们早就是一对,会被看成天下最般配的夫妻。  当然,他们早已建立起各自的家庭。  他们无法抗拒相互间产生的那种吸引力,开始寻找各种机会幽会,在僻静的街巷徜徉,