在素有“礼乐名邦”之誉的云南通海县,广大军民传颂着一位自觉实践“三个代表”,心里装着人民,装着国防,殚精竭虑,秉公尽职的好领导。他就是县委书记、县人武部党委第一书记孔繁喜。 1998年8月,孔繁喜走上了通海县县委书记、县人武部党委第一书记的岗位。农民家庭出生,经过部队磨练,在地方逐渐成长起来的孔繁喜,心里想到的不是升官发财,而是如何不辜负党的信任和委托,抓好全县经济建设和国防后备力量建设这两副重担,使二者
In Tonghai County, Yunnan Province, which is reputed as “a place famous for ritual and music”, the vast army and the people proclaim a good leader who conscientiously practices the “three represents,” has people in his heart, and is equipped with national defense. He is the county party secretary, County Secretary Wu Fan party secretary Kong Fanxi. In 1998 August, Kong Fanxi embarked on the post of Tonghai county party secretary, county party secretary of the armed forces. Kong Fanxi, who was born in a peasant family and trained in the army and gradually grew up in the area, did not think of raising his rank and fortune but how to live up to the party’s trust and trust and do a good job in building the county’s economic construction and national defense reserve forces. Burden, so both