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美国战略与预算评估中心在《维持美国的精确打击优势》这篇报告中提到,仅仅依靠使用更现代的精确制导弹药对付敌方防御系统,代价实在太大,美军应该建立新型作战概念,提高打击力量的规模和生存能力。该报告建议采取的措施如下:通道行动:在未来的作战行动中,美军应广泛使用价格低廉 In his report “Maintaining the Accurate Attack Advantage of the United States,” the U.S. Strategic and Budgetary Assessment Center mentioned that the mere cost of relying solely on the use of more modern precision-guided ammunition to deal with enemy defense systems is too great. The U.S. military should establish a new concept of operations and improve Combat the power of the scale and viability. The report recommends the following measures: Passage Operation: In future operations, the U.S. military should widely use low-cost
语言是人类用来传情达意的工具,如果没有语言,这个世界是不可想象的。即使在神话世界里,语言也是不可缺少的。在《西游记》中,吴承恩在叙述石猴(即孙悟空)出世后,就假定“禽有禽言,兽有兽语”,使石猴得以与众猴沟通,顺利登上了“美猴王”的宝座。语言是如此重要,那么何谓“语”,何谓“言”?“语”“言”并举,为什么就能指代人类的交际工具?  “语”和“言”在语义上本来就有相通的地方,它们都有如下的两种含义:①