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霍益萍:现为上海华东师范大学教育学系教授,博士生导师。长期从事中国教育史研究,1990-2000年曾转向全国中学校长和教育督导培训工作,1998年开始进入研究性学习的实验和研究。主持教育部人文社会科学“十五”规划科研项目——《研究性学习的开发与实施》,在国内7个省14所中学内开展研究性学习的课程改革实验,较成功地解决了在学校层面如何面向全体学生开设“研究性学习”、怎样帮助教师转变角色适应新课程、研究性学习最终对学生发展有哪些作用等问题。该实验和反映该实验的《研究性学习丛书》对全国产生了很大的影响。2002-2007年受中国科协青少年部邀请,担任中国科协青少年创新人才培养项目的课题负责人,该项目同时被列入教育部“十五”规划重点课题之子课题。国务院已于2006年3月正式颁布《全民科学素质行动计划纲要》,上述课题是中国科协为配合上述纲要的制定而启动的一个实验项目,其目的是通过在科学家和科学教师之间架起桥梁,实现“科教联手”,着重帮助基层学校解决其在研究性学习和新课改中面临的两个最大的困难——课程资源和教师培训。 Huo Yiping: Professor of Ph.D., Department of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai. He has long been engaged in the study of the history of Chinese education. From 1990 to 2000, he had turned to the national school principals and education supervision and training. In 1998, he began to study and study research-based learning. Presided over the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” scientific research project of the Ministry of Education for Humanities and Social Sciences - “Development and Implementation of Research-based Learning”. The curriculum reform experiment of research-based learning was conducted in 14 secondary schools in seven provinces in China and successfully solved the problem at school. At the level of how to open “research-based learning” for all students, how to help teachers adapt their roles to adapt to new curriculum, and what role research-based learning will ultimately play in student development. This experiment and the “Research Learning Series” reflecting this experiment had a great impact on the country. From 2002 to 2007, he was invited by the Youth Department of China Association for Science and Technology to be the person in charge of the project of the Youth Innovation Talents Training Program of the China Association of Science and Technology. This project was also included in the sub-topic of the key project of the “Tenth Five-year Plan” of the Ministry of Education. In March 2006, the State Council officially promulgated the “Outline of the National Action Plan for Scientific Literacy”, which is an experimental project initiated by the China Association for Science and Technology in cooperation with the above-mentioned outline. Its purpose is to bridge the gap between scientists and science teachers. To achieve “science and education together,” and focus on helping grass-roots schools to solve their two biggest difficulties in the face of research-based learning and new curriculum reform - curriculum resources and teacher training.
1 病例资料rn【例1】男,76岁。因脑外伤昏迷入院。住院期间每天快速输入甘露醇500~750 ml。由于长期连续不断地在足背部位输液,再加上病人血管弹性差等诸多因素,1个月后右足背处
1 病例资料rn女,9岁。因头痛、恶心、心悸来院就诊。查体:患儿面色苍白,出汗,心率130/min。护士测不到血压。患儿否认有过敏史及不洁饮食史。初步诊断为感染中毒性休克。值班医生
一、广义的定义  “一气”是物质本体,“流行”是运动状态。“一气流行”是宇宙万物最基本的属性和功能,“一气流行”也是古人对生命进化和生命个体新陈代谢的认识。“一气流行”有天地人的生存循环之理。  “太极一气”从内到外,整体旋转,不停地运动。中心又有核聚变的连锁反应,从而频繁地产生“压差流动和温差升降”运动,致使“太极一气”物质之间排列组合发生变化,从而释放出巨大的结构势能,是宇宙万物生化能量之源。