偌大的上海城,厨师数不胜数,大厨师还真不少呢!然而,名厨却不多。在静安职校东北角一幢简易的二层办公楼里,我有幸采访了一位上海滩海派川菜的领衔人物,他就是上海第一批特一级中餐烹调师,现任上海烹饪协会副会长、上海梅龙镇(集团)有限公司技术培训中心副主任的姚楚豪先生。 姚先生似乎从小就同烹饪有不解之缘。1958年,他就被分配到当时的新城区饮食服务公司当学徒。1960年,刚满17岁的他又被推荐进
Large Shanghai city, there are countless chefs and a lot of big chefs! However, there are not many famous chefs. In a simple two-story office building at the northeast corner of Jing’an Vocational School, I was fortunate to have interviewed a leading character of the Shanghai-based Shanghai Cuisine Sichuan Cuisine. He is the first batch of special Chinese cuisine cooker in Shanghai and currently serves as vice president of Shanghai Cuisine Association. , Mr. Yao Chuhao, Deputy Director of Shanghai Meron Town (Group) Co., Ltd. Technical Training Center. Mr. Yao seems to have an indissoluble bond with cooking from an early age. In 1958 he was assigned to the then Newcomer Catering Service as an apprentice. In 1960, just turned 17 years old, he was recommended again