3月25日至4月9日 ,国家经贸委组织经贸考察团 ,就工业企业贯彻“走出去”战略 ,推动境外加工贸易 ,对泰国、南非和博茨瓦纳进行了考察 ,听取了境外企业情况介绍 ,同当地政府部门及中介机构进行了会谈。考察团对我国企业在这些国家的经营现状进行了分析 ,并提出了建设性的意见。
From March 25 to April 9, the SETC organized a group of economic and trade experts to conduct an investigation on the overseas processing trade by carrying out the “going global” strategy for industrial enterprises, conducting inspections in Thailand, South Africa and Botswana, listening to briefing on overseas enterprises, Held talks with local government departments and intermediary agencies. The delegation conducted an analysis of the current business conditions of Chinese enterprises in these countries and put forward constructive suggestions.