After the basic elimination of filariasis in Hunan Province from 1987 to 1991, 46 villages (468 counties) of 46 counties (municipalities) were horizontally monitored. 287864 people were examined by blood test. Four patients with microfilaremia were found. The average microfilaria rate was 0.001 % Respectively. The rates of microfilariae in each year were 0.004%, 0.003%, 0,0.002% and 0.001%, respectively. Anatomy of Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus 26852, only in 1988 found positive mosquito 13; dissected 5771 Anopheles sinensis, did not find young filariasis. The average antibody positive rate of seropositive surveillance population was 3.76%, which was similar to that of non-endemic antibody. The observation of 4 longitudinal monitoring points showed that those with low-density microfilaremia naturally turned negative. The prevalence survey of late filariasis in 6 counties (cities) showed that new cases of edema disappeared after the basic elimination of filariasis. The incidence of new cases of hydrocele was significantly reduced but new ones continued to emerge Chyluria patients.