今年9月,因为开会有幸加入昆仑山口地震带考察队,也就有了青藏公路巡游的机会。 导游介绍情况是危言耸听的,他夸大着青藏线的艰难:地球上海拔最高的公路,一般人高原反映强烈;气候恶劣,路况复杂,有天路之称;雨季塌方,道路翻浆,交通事故频繁;长时间堵车,方便面要卖到百元一碗。总之,心脏病、高血压、糖尿病,甚至轻微感冒者都应斟情撤游或改线。
In September this year, because of the fortunate meeting to join the expedition team to the Kunlun Mountain Pass earthquake zone, there will be a chance to parade the Qinghai-Tibet Highway. The introduction of the tour guide is alarmist, he exaggerated the difficulties of the Qinghai-Tibet line: the highest elevation of the earth on the road, the general population strongly reflected in the plateau; bad weather, complex road conditions, there are days of road; rainy season, road dumping frequent traffic accidents; Time traffic jam, instant noodles to sell a bowl of hundred dollars. In short, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even mild flu should be evacuated or rerouted.