面向资源有限的工业无线网络,提出一种基于单查找表的快速高级加密标准(AES)的加密方法.对目前普遍采用的基于4张1 KB查找表方法的查找表进行压缩和优化,构建了一张512 B的查找表,减小了查找表的存储开销,并有效降低GF(28)上乘法所产生的开销;同时对轮加密公式进行了优化,减少因查找表被压缩而引起的附加操作.实验结果显示,相比4查找表法,该方法降低了72%的存储开销,但在时间开销和能量开销上均提高了43%;相比射频芯片上的硬件加速器,该方法降低了55%的时间开销和61%的能量开销,但存储开销为它的2.5倍.
For the limited industrial wireless network with limited resources, this paper proposes a fast advanced encryption standard (AES) encryption method based on single look-up table.A common lookup table based on 4 1 KB lookup tables is compressed and optimized, and a A look-up table of 512 B reduces the storage overhead of the look-up table and effectively reduces the overhead of GF (28) multiplication. At the same time round rounding formula is optimized to reduce the appendage caused by the look-up table being compressed The experimental results show that this method reduces the storage overhead by 72% compared with the 4-look-up table method, but increases the time overhead and energy overhead by 43%. Compared with the hardware accelerators on the RF chip, this method reduces 55% of the time overhead and 61% of the energy cost, but the storage cost is 2.5 times of it.