创设轻松、民主的课堂气氛,使学生在平等、和谐的课堂中畅所欲言,积极探索、获取知识是我们所追求的境界。教育家杜威将传统学习方式称为“静听”课程。在以前的教育中,只因其学术的权威性而具有至高无上的地位,学生在课堂上往往处于被动的“静听” 状态,他们几乎没有活动的余地和自己的经验,成为课程和教材的奴隶。新课程标准致力于学生综合素质的形成和发展,所以只有让学生在课堂中真正“随便” 起来、“动”起来,才能身临其境,进入到知识深层,获得真知灼见,牢记在心。本人在几年的教学工作中,认为以下两种课堂很适合现代教学观念。
Create a relaxed and democratic classroom atmosphere, so that students speak freely in an equal and harmonious classroom, and actively explore and acquire knowledge is the realm we are pursuing. The educator Dewey called the traditional learning method “listening”. In previous education, the academic status was supreme only because of their academic authority. Students were often in passive “listening” state in the classroom. They had almost no room for activities and their own experience to become the curriculum and teaching materials Slave. The new curriculum standard is devoted to the formation and development of students’ comprehensive qualities. Therefore, only by allowing students to truly “casually ” in the classroom, can they be immersed in the realm of knowledge, gain insight and keep in mind mind. In my teaching work for several years, I think the following two classes are suitable for modern teaching concepts.