赵薇的深藏不露 2003年对于赵薇是丰硕的一年,她出演的每一部电影都不同程度地获得了成功。赵薇在电影中千姿百态,人物性格没有一丝雷同,让人惊喜。照片中赵薇的装束是不是再平常不过了,腕上还戴了一只卡通表。可不要小看此表,虽然表盘上有迪斯尼的卡通人物,但表的售价可未必比一辆中档汽车便宜。明眼人一看便知,这是一只出自世界级制表大师的飞返指针跳时表杰作,弥足珍贵。当然赵薇佩戴它也非常合适,有时非凡的品位就是这样体现的。袁泉的璀璨生辉 都说钻石是女人的朋友,但人们往往忽略一点,钻石被制成了什么?钻石能变为指环、耳钉 项链、胸针等等,
Vicki’s Deepens The 2003 year was a fruitful year for Vicki Zhao, and every film she starred in was a success to varying degrees. Vicki Zhao in the movie in different poses and with different expressions, character no similarities, surprises. Zhao Wei’s photo in the dress is not normal, wrist wear a cartoon watch. Do not underestimate this watch, although there are Disney cartoon characters on the dial, but the table may not be cheaper than a mid-range car. Clear-eyed people see that this is a masterpiece from the world-class watchmaker flyback pointer jump watch, very precious. Of course, Zhao Wei wear it is also very suitable, and sometimes extraordinary grade is reflected in this way. Yuan Quan’s brilliant brilliant say diamonds are a woman’s friend, but people often ignore the diamond is made of what? Diamond can become a ring, earrings necklaces, brooches, etc.,