一、从毛泽东的名字谈起“东方红,太阳升,中国出了个毛泽东。”毛泽东,字润芝,湖南省湘潭县韶山人。据《韶山毛氏族谱》记载,韶山毛氏尊元代至正年间自江西吉州迁云南澜沧后又徙居湖南湘乡的毛太华为迁湘始祖,至今已延续到第25代。从毛太华至第六代,毛氏取名尚无固定形式,自第7代起,始按字辈取名。清乾隆二年(1737)首修的《韶山毛氏族谱》制订的字辈谱是: 立显荣朝士文方运际祥祖恩贻泽远世代永承昌清光绪七年(1881)重修族谱时又续订了20字的字辈谱:
First, from the name of Mao Zedong talked about “the East is red, the sun rises, China has a Mao Zedong.” Mao Zedong, the word Runzhi, Shaoshan people in Xiangtan County, Hunan Province. According to “Shaoshan Genealogy” records, Shaoshan Mao Zun Yuan Dynasty to positive years since the migration of Jiangxi Lancang in Kyrgyzstan Lancang and then moved to Xiangtan, Hunan Province, Mao Taihua moved to Xiang ancestor, has been extended to the 25th generation. From Mao Taihua to the sixth generation, Mao’s name is still no fixed form, since the 7th generation, beginning by generation names. Qing Emperor Qianlong two years (1737) first repair “shaoshan shaw genealogy” to write the word genealogy is: Li Xiangyongchao literati fortune auspicious ancestor yisai far generation Yong Cheng Chang Qing Guangxu seven years (1881) rehabilitate genealogy When renewed the words of the word 20 words: