【摘 要】
Feb. 17, 2015 (China Daily) -- The long-anticipated detailed rules for capital-account transactions, which will allow companies operating in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone to borrow abroad
Feb. 17, 2015 (China Daily) -- The long-anticipated detailed rules for capital-account transactions, which will allow companies operating in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone to borrow abroad under a simpler regulatory regime, have been released. The new process may help FTZ-registered companies cut their financing costs in half. The rules will allow FTZ-registered enterprises that borrow abroad to choose the length and currency of the loan. FTZ-registered enterprises that seek financing overseas will be monitored by the PBOC during and after the financing process, but they will no longer need to seek prior approval. "The new rules will benefit enterprises when doing foreign trade and overseas mergers," said Zhang Xin, deputy head of the Shanghai Head Office of the People's Bank of China.
Feb. 12, 2015 (Xinhua) -- China launched a parallel import scheme for cars, a move expected to help bring down prices of luxury cars. Chinese consumers normally buy cars from dealers authorized by aut
新加坡联合早报网2月12日发表文章称,中国社科院学部委员汪同三于2月11日在中国泉州举行的“21世纪‘海上丝绸之路’国际研讨会”上表示,海上丝绸之路战略的提出,为中国克服经济下行压力带来新机遇。“海上丝绸之路把中国与一些特定国家更紧密联系在一起,让这些国家更容易,更有可能找到海外需求。他们需要中国许多产品、技术、资金、物资的支持,这些项目肯定对于缓解国内的需求不足,产能过剩问题有益。” 俄罗斯塔
Feb. 10, 2015 (China Daily) -- On Jan 19, the draft of China's Foreign Investment Law was released for a public comment period that runs until Feb 17. One of the most significant changes in the draft
中国和东盟的合作走过了“黄金十年”,而今又开始迈向“钻石十年”。回首过去,中国与东盟国家从相识、相知,到开展了日益紧密的合作。展望未来,站在钻石十年的全新起点上,双方都对未来的合作赋予了更高的期望。 缅甸驻华大使帝林翁:东盟国家几乎都是与海洋紧密关联的,21世纪“海上丝绸之路”这个战略将在贸易、文化、交流以及其他方面产生很大作用。这使得所有东盟国家与世界的沟通将会更加方便。所以我们非常感谢21世
China-Thailand relation is often described as “China and Thailand are as close as a family”. In recent years, the two countries have strengthened cooperation in all aspects and reaped mutually benefic
2015年2月11-12日,21世纪“海上丝绸之路”国际研讨会在中国泉州举办,与会海内外专家学者纷纷表示基础设施建设需先行: 印尼科学院区域资源研究中心研究员艾哈迈德·海尔米·法乌迪: 为了共同发展,和21世纪“海上丝绸之路”的建设,亚洲基础设施投资银行的发起符合各方利益。基础设施建设是“海丝”深化合作的一个重要方面。建设能源和交通基础设施需要吸引国际投资,提高产业竞争力。 中国电力建设股份
据埃菲社2月16日报道,中国人民银行2月16日宣布,丝路基金有限责任公司已经成立并正式开始运行。丝路基金由外汇储备、中国投资有限责任公司、中国进出口银行、国家开发银行共同出资。 据《印度教徒报》网站2月17日报道,通过将400亿美元的基础设施基金起步运作,中国已经向实现其丝绸之路经济带的愿景——这是将欧亚走廊上的亚洲与欧洲经济体结合在一起的倡议——迈出了坚实的一步。 香港《南华早报》网站2月1