Experimental investigation of the dynamic behavior of railway track with sleeper voids

来源 :铁道工程科学(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yichunyang
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The deterioration of the sleeper support on the bal-lasted track begins with the accumulation of sleeper voids. The increased dynamic loading in the voided zone and the ballast contact conditions cause the accelerated growth of the settle-ments in the voided zones, which results in the appearance of local instabilities like ballast breakdown, white spots, subgrade defects, etc. The recent detection and quantification of the sleeper voids with track-side and onboard monitoring can help to avoid or delay the development of local instabilities. The present paper is devoted to the study of the dynamic behavior of railway track with sleeper voids in the ballast breakdown zone. The result of the experimental track-side measurements of rail acceleration and deflection is presented. The analysis shows the existence of the dynamic impact during wheel entry in the voided zone. However, the measured dynamic impact is sub-jected to the bias of the track-side measurement method. Both the mechanism of the impact and the measurement aspects are explained by using the one-beam model on viscoelastic foun-dation. The void features in the dynamic behavior are analyzed for the purpose of track-side and onboard monitoring. A prac-tical method of the void parameter quantification is proposed.
摘 要: 小學生诵读优秀诗文,必须体味作品内容和情感。内容情感应是学生体味出来的,不应当是教师强灌的。让学生思考体味的促进策略,需要进行有意义的促进实践。  关键词: 体味诗文 内容情感 策略思考  入选小学语文教材的篇目体裁多样,对小学生而言,可以说是姹紫嫣红的园圃。让学生阅读,等于给学生开采出美甲胜天的精神富矿。需要学生读好,让学生感到读得极其有意义。这就需要我们根据作品的“色彩”选择具
摘要:美术赏析教学作为高中基础教育的一门必修课程,它通过对学生审美素质的培养,情感因素的激发,以及以学生为主体,采用互动式教学等一系列的手段,提高学生的审美能力,促进学生全面、健康发展,从而实现教学目标。  关键词:美术赏析;审美素养;情感因素;互动式教学  随着素质教育的不断深入,人们越来越注重培养德、智、体、美全面发展的人才。开设美术鉴赏课,是为了适应新世纪世界教育的发展趋势,开拓高中学生的文