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近年来,青少年犯罪的上升趋势,引起了社会各方面的关注。笔者试通过对固原地区几年来发生的青少年杀人案件的分析,找出其特点、原因,以便采取对策。青少年杀人犯罪的现状及特点青少年杀人犯罪是青少年犯罪中最严重的一个方面,仅次于盗窃犯罪。从固原地区近3年来的情况看,杀人犯罪绝大多数系青少年所为,所占比例年均在80%以上。1993年,固原地区共立杀人案33起,其中青少年作案28起,占84.8%;抓获作案成员38人,其中青少年35人,占86.8%。1994年,全地区立杀人案件23起,其中青少年作案19起,占82.6%;抓获作案成员26人,其中青少年21人,占81%。1995年1-8月,全地区立杀人案件13起,其中青少年作案11起,占84.6%。从发案的起因看:一是因婚姻、家庭纠纷引发的最为突出,且往往波及无辜,死人多。在固原尤其是偏僻落后的乡村,自由恋爱仍属凤毛麟角,绝大多数男婚女嫁仍沿袭封建社会的父母之命、媒妁之言, In recent years, the rising trend of juvenile delinquency has aroused the concern of all sectors of society. The author attempts to analyze the characteristics of the juvenile killings that occurred in the Guyuan area over the past few years to find out its characteristics and causes so as to take countermeasures. Status and Characteristics of Youth Murderous Crime Youth murderous crime is one of the most serious aspects of juvenile delinquency, second only to theft. Judging from the situation in Guyuan over the past three years, the overwhelming majority of murderers are young people, accounting for more than 80% of the annual average. In 1993, a total of 33 murders occurred in the Guyuan area, of which 28 were juvenile delinquents, accounting for 84.8%; 38 were convicted of murderous crimes, including 35 juveniles, accounting for 86.8%. In 1994, there were 23 established criminal cases of murder in the entire region, of which 19 were juvenile delinquents, accounting for 82.6% of all cases; 26 were found guilty of committing the crime, 21 of them juveniles, accounting for 81%. From January to August 1995, there were 13 cases of establishment of murder in the whole region, including 11 cases of juvenile crime, accounting for 84.6%. From the cause of the incident to see: First, due to marriage, family disputes caused the most prominent, and often spread innocent, dead more. In Guyuan, especially in remote rural areas, free love is still very rare, the vast majority of male and female marriages still follow the feudal community of parents, the media’s words,
134例颅脑转移瘤,CT增强薄层扫描88例,其中延迟扫描58例;薄层MRI 44例。114例(85%)有幕上转移,38例(28%)有幕下转移。73例(54%)多发,64例(46%)单发。增强MRI显示清晰和尚清晰者为