由 Lichtenstein 和 Bernstein 在1959年首先描述和命名的间叶性软骨肉瘤是较为罕见的一种肿瘤。发生于骨外者更为罕见。国外1980年以前仅有30余例报道,国内报道更少。我院遇到一例发生在外耳道的间叶性软骨肉瘤。报道如下。患者,男性,22岁,右耳听力进行性下降一年多。检查右外耳道有一息肉样肿物突出到外耳道口,表面光滑,未见破溃。在局麻下手术摘除。病理检查:送检的标本为玉米粒大小的圆形肿物。表面有皮肤,质地硬,切面灰白色,无坏死、出血。镜下:肿物位于皮下,和周围
The mesenchymal chondrosarcoma first described and named by Lichtenstein and Bernstein in 1959 is a relatively rare type of tumor. Occurrences outside the bone are even rarer. Before 1980, only 30 cases were reported, and there were fewer domestic reports. Our hospital encountered a case of mesenchymal chondrosarcoma in the external auditory canal. The report is as follows. The patient, male, 22 years old, had progressive hearing loss in the right ear for more than a year. Examination of the right external auditory canal with a polypoid mass projecting to the external auditory canal surface was smooth and no ulceration was seen. Surgical removal under local anesthesia. Pathological examination: The specimens submitted were round-shaped tumors of corn kernel size. It has skin on the surface, hard texture, grayish white surface, no necrosis and bleeding. Microscope: The tumor is located under the skin, and around