I. Factors Influencing the Quality of Niuhuang Xingnao Injection No. 1 and Its Quality Control Methods Niu Huang Xingnao Injection No. 1 is a water-soluble ingredient that detoxifies and detoxifies the Angong Niuhuang Pills, bile acid, alpha hopodeoxycholic acid, and buffalo horn concentrate Powder, mother-of-pearl, astragalus, honeysuckle, gardenia, and Banlangen are extracted. That is to say, the main active ingredients of bezoar are cholic acid and α-hodactoxycholic acid. Astragalus membranaceus is extracted from Astragalus membranaceus and chlorogenic acid and isochlorogenic acid are extracted from honeysuckle and hydrolyzed into various amino acids from buffalo horn and mother of pearl. Eupatorin B was extracted from Banlangen and Dianzijing was extracted from Dangzi, and then was formulated into Niuhuang Xingnao Injection No. 1. As a compound injection, the major problems that currently exist are: