Based on the theory of stress-coping, an analysis framework of mental anomie among unmarried male migrant workers in the context of gender imbalance is constructed, and on the basis of this analysis, the effect of coping resources on psychological anomie in unmarried male migrant workers facing the squeeze of marriage is discussed mechanism. Coping with the resources can be independent of the difficulty of marriage on the unmarried male migrant workers psychological anomie has a direct gain effect; part of the coping resources to unmarried male migrant workers psychological anomie influence has an intermediary effect, response resources will affect the perception of marital difficulties affect unmarried men The migrant workers’ psychology is not normal; participation in the association may increase the probability of perceived difficulty in marriage and thus have a negative impact on the psychological anomie of unmarried male migrant workers. Challenged the mainstream view of social resources as a buffer, the impact of resources should be dualistic.