1941年春,八路军三五九旅在王震将军的率领下,开进了南泥湾,实行屯垦戍边。 3年后,三五九旅官兵,硬是把这个遍地荆棘、野兽出没、土匪骚乱的南泥湾,建成了“陕北江南”。1943年冬,王震号召全旅官兵,在新的一年,要达到每人每季耕种土地30亩,人均收获细粮6石,够3年食用,实现耕一余二的目标。 1944年4月的一天,时任延安军分
In the spring of 1941, under the leadership of General Wang Zhen, the Eighth Route Army 359 Brigade opened into Nanniwan and practiced to reclaim and guard frontiers. Three years later, the officers and men of the 359th Brigade built the “Southern Shaanxi Province of northern Shaanxi” in Nanniwan, a place where thorns, beasts, and bandit riots all over the place. In the winter of 1943, Wang Zhen called on officers and soldiers of the entire brigade to achieve 30 mu of cultivated land per person per quarter in the new year. The per capita grain yield was 6 hectares, enough for 3 years to achieve the goal of cultivating more than 2 hectares. One day in April 1944, when Yan’an military forces