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天下遍建帝师殿,通祀八思巴帝师,是元朝最具时代特色的国家祭祀之一。八思巴帝师祭祀是在仁宗朝,由高沙剌巴提议,经过朝臣讨论,在杨暗普力主之下,最终于延祐三年设立。八思巴帝师祭祀在供奉对象、配享者、祭祀日期上显现出一定的藏传佛教特点,但建筑形制乃至制度的整体结构模式与汉地传统的祠庙、佛寺是一致的。可以认为,帝师祭祀制度是以宣圣祭祀制度为蓝本,略加改造而成的。其设立,有藏传佛教信仰基础、政治制衡、文化统一三方面原因。其推广情况显示出,帝师殿建立之初具有国家祭祀、佛教寺院双重性质,到文宗朝以后又兼备了蒙古字学校的功能。从元代国家祭祀的发展脉络上看,先后设立而成为天下通祀的宣圣孔子、三皇、八思巴帝师,带有强烈的传承性,体现出意识形态的探索。八思巴帝师祭祀是元朝统治者在这个广大帝国的多元文化中采撷有益因素,结合中原体制与亚洲内陆边疆的统治经验,将儒家礼制、藏传佛教、汉传佛教、西夏帝师制度等文化因素糅合在一起,以适应这个多族群、多文化大帝国的统治需要。 The world built Emperor Dizi Hall, the worship of Pat Si Bati Dishi, is the most characteristic of the Yuan Dynasty one of the national sacrifices. Pat Si Bodhi division ritual in the Ren Zong Dynasty, proposed by Ga Sai barbarians, discussed by the courtiers, under Yang dark Pu Li Lord, finally set up three years in Yan. The worship of Pat Si Ba Di teachers show some characteristics of Tibetan Buddhism on the date of offering objects, sharing enjoyment and offering sacrifices. However, the overall structural mode of architectural form and even system is consistent with the traditional Han temples and Buddhist temples. It can be considered that the sacrificial offering ceremony of the imperial division is based on the sacrificial offering system of Xuan Sheng, with a slight modification. Its establishment, there are three reasons for the foundation of Tibetan Buddhist faith, political checks and balances, cultural unification. The promotion shows that Emperor Shitang was initially established with the national sacrifice, the dual nature of Buddhist temples, and later by Wenzong North Korea also has the function of the Mongolian word school. From the perspective of the development of state rituals in the Yuan Dynasty, it has been established as the Xuanzheng Confucius, the Three Emperors and Badisudi Bratislamas of the world, with a strong inheritance and an exploration of ideology. The patriarch sacrifice is the beneficiary of the Yuan Dynasty rulers picking up in the multiculturalism of this vast empire. Combining the Central Plains system with the experience of rule in the Asian inland frontier, the worship of Confucianism, Tibetan Buddhism, Han Buddhism, System and other cultural factors together to adapt to this multi-ethnic, multicultural empire’s ruling needs.
在中国古典哲学中,庄子发展了老子的道说,提出:“虚者,心斋也。”即是说“虚”则境“空、虚、静”合一,方能获取人生的自由和逍遥。  前不久,一场“印象园林——杨正新书画展”印入脑海,此展为上海中国画院主办,上海世界华人收藏家大会协办。杨正新先生,1965年毕业于上海美专本科中国画系,同年入上海中国画院成为该院画师,国家一级美术师和中国美术家协会会员。他是中国近现代名家中颇有自己独到见解和风格的画师之