本刊首尔讯:2014年9月17~19日,中国食品添加剂和配料协会和中国贸促会轻工行业分会首次组织中国展团参加了在韩国首尔举行的韩国食品配料展(FI Korea 2014)。该展由韩国食品产业协会主办,得到韩国农林食品畜产部、韩国工业贸易能源部、韩国食品药品安全管理局、韩国食品研究所及韩国健康膳食协会的大力支持。FIK今年是第三届,展会主要围绕天然和健康食品配料、食品添加剂、食品安全和技术及食品生物技术等主题进行展示和交流,是韩国唯一的食品添加剂和配料专业展会。FIK2014有来自韩国本土、中国、印度、日本、土耳其等国
Seoul, September 17 to 19, 2014 China Food Additives and Ingredients Association and CCPIT Light Industry Branch organized the Chinese pavilion for the first time at the FI Korea 2014 in Seoul, Korea. Organized by the Korea Food Industry Association, the exhibition is supported by the Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Animal Products, Ministry of Industry and Energy, Korea Food and Drug Administration, Korea Food Research Institute and Korea Healthy Diet Association. FIK is the third of its kind this year. The show focuses on the topics of natural and healthy food ingredients, food additives, food safety and technology, and food biotechnology. It is the only food and beverage and ingredient exhibition in Korea. FIK2014 from South Korea, China, India, Japan, Turkey and other countries