分离制备出放化纯的放射性核素是获得高精度衰变数据的基础。为准确测量短寿命核素142La的衰变参数,需从裂变产物中提取并制备出放化纯的142La溶液。为此,拟定了从裂变产物中首先提取Ba,再从Ba中提取新鲜生长出的La的方案。因此,La-Ba的分离成为解决问题的关键。 分离局现萃取的前提。本工作以从裂变产物中提取的140Ba-140La为示踪剂,以用铜盐结晶法纯化的二(2-乙基己基)磷酸(HDEHP)-二甲苯作萃取剂,在盐酸介质中,研究了萃取剂浓度、
The separation and preparation of radiochemical pure radionuclides is the basis for obtaining high-precision decay data. In order to accurately measure the decay parameters of 142La short-lived nuclides, we need to extract and prepare the radiochemically pure 142La solution from the fission products. For this purpose, a scheme was proposed in which Ba was first extracted from fission products and La was newly extracted from Ba. Therefore, the separation of La-Ba is the key to solve the problem. Separation Bureau is the premise of extraction. In this work, 140Ba-140La extracted from fission products was used as tracer, and dihydrotesthylene glycol (HDEHP) -xylene as extractant purified by copper salt crystallization was studied in hydrochloric acid medium The extractant concentration,