主题:温馨和喜庆 今年春节室内的花布置如果能体现一些神秘感就更加突出气氛了。无论是色彩搭配还是花器的使用,都主张以体现温馨、喜庆节日气氛为目的,即使想得到一直纷乱的感觉也是可以的,只要不过分地堆砌色彩即可,囚为太过零乱和纷杂只会破坏整个居室的气氛与环境。至于神秘感,这完全是依个人喜好的不同而即兴发挥,土耳其风格的花瓶,去泰国旅游时买的碗,都可以给家里的插花增添神秘的异国情调,只要能在寒冬及节日里平添欢乐喜庆的气氛就好。
Theme: Warmth and Happiness This year’s Spring Festival indoor flower arrangement is more ambitious if it reflects some mystique. Whether it is the use of color matching or flower arrangement, all advocate the purpose of expressing the warmth and festive atmosphere, even if you want to get the feeling of chaos all the time, as long as the colors can be piled up excessively, the prisoners will be too messy and complicated The atmosphere and the environment throughout the room. As for the mystery, which is entirely improper according to personal preferences improvisation, Turkish-style vases, to buy a bowl when traveling to Thailand, can add mysterious exotic flower arrangements at home, as long as in the winter and the festival to add joy Festive atmosphere just fine.