在全面建设小康社会的今天,21世纪的人居环境建设被提高到一个从未有过的高度,不断改善人居环境无疑是全面建设小康社会的重要内容。目前,从总体看,市场对住房的需求已从生存型向舒适型发展; 住宅建设正由粗放型向集约型转变; 商品住宅市场也在经历了一场非理性开发阶段后,逐渐
Today, in the comprehensive construction of a well-to-do society, the construction of living environment in the 21st century has been elevated to a height never seen before. Continually improving the living environment is undoubtedly an important part of building an overall well-to-do society. At present, on the whole, the demand for housing in the market has been developing from subsistence to comfort; residential construction is transforming from extensive to intensive; commercial residential housing is also undergoing an irrational phase of development and gradually