Association of C(-106)T Polymorphism in Aldose Reductase Gene with Diabetic Retinopathy in Chinese P

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Objective To identify the possible association between C(-106)T polymorphism of the aldose reductase(ALR) gene and diabetic retinopathy(DR) in a cohort of Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM).Methods From November 2009 to September 2010,patients with T2DM were recruited and assigned to DR group or diabetic without retinopathy(DWR) group according to the duration of diabetes and the grading of 7-field fundus color photographs of both eyes.Genotypes of the C(-106)T polymorphism(rs759853) in ALR gene were analyzed using the MassARRAY genotyping system and an association study was performed.Results A total of 268 T2DM patients(129 in the DR group and 139 in the DWR group) were included in this study.No statistically significant differences were observed between the 2 groups in the age of diabetes onset(P=0.10) and gender(P=0.78).The success rate of genotyping for the study subjects was 99.6%(267/268),with one case of failure in the DR group.The frequencies of the T allele in the C(-106)T polymorphism were 16.0%(41/256) in the DR group and 19.4%(54/278) in the DWR group(P=0.36).There was no significant difference in the C(-106)T genotypes between the 2 groups(P=0.40).Compared with the wild-type genotype,odds ratio(OR) for the risk of DR was 0.7(95% CI,0.38-1.3) for the heterozygous CT genotype and 0.76(95% CI,0.18-3.25) for the homozygous TT genotype.The risk of DR was positively associated with microalbuminuria(OR=4.61;95% CI,2.34-9.05) and insulin therapy(OR=3.43;95% CI,1.94-6.09).Conclusions Microalbuminuria and insulin therapy are associated with the risk of DR in Chinese patients with T2DM.C(-106)T polymorphism of the ALR gene may not be significantly associated with DR in Chinese patients with T2DM. Objective To identify the possible association between C (-106) T polymorphism of the aldose reductase (ALR) gene and diabetic retinopathy (DR) in a cohort of Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) .Methods From November 2009 to September 2010 , patients with T2DM were recruited and assigned to DR group or diabetic without retinopathy (DWR) group according to the duration of diabetes and the grading of 7-field fundus color photographs of both eyes. Genotypes of the C (-106) T polymorphism ( rs759853) in ALR gene were analyzed using the MassARRAY genotyping system and an association study was performed. Results A total of 268 T2DM patients (129 in the DR group and 139 in the DWR group) were included in this study. No statistical significant differences were The success rate of genotyping for the study subjects was 99.6% (267/268), with one case of failure in the DR (P = 0.10) and gender group. frequencies of the T allele i The C (-106) T polymorphism were 16.0% (41/256) in the DR group and 19.4% (54/278) in the DWR group (P = 0.36). There was no significant difference in the C ) With the wild-type genotype, odds ratio (OR) for the risk of DR was 0.7 (95% CI, 0.38-1.3) for the heterozygous CT genotype and 0.76 (P = 0.40) 95% CI, 0.18-3.25) for the homozygous TT genotype. The risk of DR was positively associated with microalbuminuria (OR = 4.61; 95% CI, 2.34-9.05) and insulin therapy 6.09) .Conclusions Microalbuminuria and insulin therapy are associated with the risk of DR in Chinese patients with T2DM. C (-106) T polymorphism of the ALR gene may not be significantly associated with DR in Chinese patients with T2DM.
[项目来源:重庆市高等教育学会高等教育科学研究课题“应用型本科院校学生艺术素养提升的对策研究”项目编号:CQGJ15292C]  摘要:应用型本科院校学生艺术素养的培养是多方面的,存在的因素较多,既有作为教师的教育观念与方式的转变,不同课程之间的相互融合,发掘学生的艺术潜力,又有作为学生的自我艺术素养的养成,包括艺术理论的学习、专业技能的提升、参加艺术实践活动等,最终促使并完善学生自我艺术素养的形
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