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  1. It’s about the journey…
  “It is better to travel well than to arrive.” ―Buddha(佛陀格言)
  2. It’s about coming back…
  “Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.” ―Terry Pratchett(泰瑞·普莱契,1948—,英国知名奇幻文学作家)
  3. It’s about pushing your limits and venturing[敢于冒险] beyond your comfort zone…
  “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail[踪迹,痕迹].” ―Ralph Waldo Emerson(拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生,1803—1882,美国思想家、文学家、诗人)
  4. It’s about learning…
  “One’s destination[目的地] is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”―Henry Miller(亨利·米勒,1891—1980,美国著名作家)
  5. It’s about finding yourself (and others, too!)…
  “Nobody can discover the world for somebody else. Only when we discover it for ourselves does it become common ground[共同点] and a common bond[共同纽带] and we cease to be[不再是] alone.” ―Wendell Berry(温德尔·贝里,1934—,美国小说家、诗人)
Pacific Rim is about big things: big robots, big monsters, big earthshaking battles[战役]. So it seems fitting that the film—the first major summer blockbuster[大片] from Guillermo del Toro(Hellboy, Pan’s
我曾面对数以千计的挫折  跌倒时我依然活着  不是吗?不是吗?  水深得难以呼吸  不需游泳,我学会飞翔  飞得很高,很高  *你在孩子的眼里找到真相  当天空是唯一的界限  作为活生生的例子,我在你身上看到自己***四方墙壁开始围堵  你的心被冰封起来  向他们展现你的真本色吧  阳光渐逝  世界仍会等待着你  向他们展现你的真本色吧**  脱下手套,准备战斗  像狮子一样,我会活下去会吗?会吗
Waiting for our departure[离开], something in the sunlight caught my eyes. A moving something. A small moving something. Could it really be? A butterfly had landed on the floor mat[草席] inside the house.
Some people wake up, scared of living the dream  They’ll settle for[勉强接受] anything  Some wanna live an airbrushed[用喷枪上色] world  Like the cover of a magazine  But I believe in thunderbolts[闪电] and butt
I think we all need a pep talk[激励的话].  The world needs you to stop being boring. Yeah, YOU! Boring is easy. Everybody can be boring but you’re “gooder注1” than that. Life is not a game, people. Life is
For my dad’s 60th birthday last week, I wanted to do something really fun. My dad and I talk a lot about the past—nostalgia[怀旧] runs in our blood, I think—and we both love to reminisce[追忆]. Inspired b
Until the age of five, I was blissfully[幸福地] unaware of how my looks—or lack of them—would affect my life. Of course, starting school changed all that and brought with it the dawning[开始] realisation t
When they reach Year 9 of secondary school (ages 13-14), UK students have to select which subjects they will study in Years 10 and 11. Most chosen courses will result in a GCSE注qualification, although
艾玛·沃特森曾说过,如果不当演员,她会去当一名化妆师,其时尚品位可见一斑。在结束了《哈利·波特》系列电影的拍摄后,她剪去了陪伴多年的长发,以全新的姿态出现,着实令人眼前一亮,并轻松拿到奢侈品牌的代言。当然,她也没有忘记自己演员的身份,接连出演了《我与梦露的一周》、《壁花少年》、《珠光宝气》等电影。我们深信,这位美貌与智慧并存的新生代女星将继续展示自己的英伦酷劲儿!  One thing about
Are you trying to figure out[想出] how to make the most of[充分利用] this summer? Well, summer can be either the most boring or most exciting time of the year. It all depends on if you make the most of it.