
来源 :云南林业调查规划设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongkelong
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我国自然灾害具灾种多样、多灾并发、时空分布不匀、损失惨重等特点,而森林在自然界生态平衡中具有涵养水源、保持水土、防风固沙、保护农田、调节气候、改善环境、净化空气、防治污染等的作用。我国在世界上属少林国家,长期以来的过量采伐、乱砍滥垦、林地被占,再加上管理粗放、投入不足等原因,导致了环境的不断恶化,致使荒漠化日益严重,水土流失、水患不断、洪涝灾害频繁发生,人民生命财产损失惨重,痛定思痛,今后应该采取的措施:增强环境意识和国土绿化意识;切实保护好森林植被,实行以法治林;尽快制定和实施森林生态效益补偿机制;实行科学管理提高林地生产力;坚持实行采伐限额制,严禁乱砍滥伐;强化林业保护和管理制,遏制林地逆转;继续坚持和扩大“灭荒”成果。 Natural disasters in our country are characterized by various kinds of disasters, complicated disasters, uneven distribution of time and space, and heavy losses. The forests have water conservation, water and soil conservation, windbreak and sand fixation, farmland protection, climate regulation, environment improvement and air purification in the ecological balance of nature , Prevention and control of pollution and so on. Our country is a Shaolin country in the world. For a long time, over-harvesting, indiscriminate cultivation and the occupation of woodland, coupled with extensive management and inadequate investment, led to the continuous deterioration of the environment, resulting in increasingly serious desertification, water and soil loss, flooding Continuous flood disasters occur frequently, the people’s lives and property losses are heavy, painful experience, the future measures to be taken: to enhance environmental awareness and national afforestation awareness; effective protection of forest vegetation, the implementation of law-based forest; as soon as possible to develop and implement forest ecological compensation mechanism; Implement scientific management to improve the productivity of forest land; stick to the system of cutting quotas and strictly prohibit deforestation; strengthen the system of forest protection and management to curb the reversal of forest land; and continue to uphold and expand the results of “eliminating the shortage.”
以蓖麻(Ricinus communis L.)为试验材料,通过观察并定量分析主茎上叶片和叶柄形态的空间分布规律,得出:(1)在生长阶段,叶片主脉长度随节位变化趋势大致由抛物曲线向斜线转变
通过对21个白桦(Betula platyphylla Suk.)杂交半同胞子代家系在辽东地区的生长和保存率的分析,结果表明:参试家系的树高、地径和保存率在家系间及区组间的差异均达到了显著
1 生产原料rn锯屑、刨花、碎木片等.rn2 设备rn旋转式φ800mm筛选机1台;TMEL200-1干燥机1台;SE-11式成型机12台;带宽600mm、带长20m皮带运输机1台;GXφ250~300mm螺旋输送机7组