一、倡议书在伟大的双反运动的启发下,我两院本着勤俭建军的方针,向全军各兄弟医院提出大力节约敷料的倡议,愿共同努力,研究节约办法,以求取得显著成就。众所周知,我国现阶段的棉花产量还不够高,棉纱的供应还不能满足广大人民的需要,为了积累国家建设资金,解决人民穿衣问题,节约敷料不但有经济意义,同时更有重大的政治意义。根据我两院节约敷料的初步打算,今年可节约敷料费6448元,以洋布每疋32 .4元作价,可买布199疋,能做衣服1343套。如能大力推行,引起人人重视,共同节约,这将对国计民生产生很大的积极影响。节约敷料指标:我们提出节约的指标:绷带消耗率20%,再生效150次;纱布消耗率30%,再生效60次;棉球
I. Proposal Under the inspiration of the great double-counter campaign, both our hospital and the PLA arm’s brother hospital put forward the proposal of vigorously saving the dressing in line with the principle of diligence and building the military, and are willing to make joint efforts to study ways of saving so as to achieve remarkable results achievement. As we all know, the current stage of China’s cotton production is not high enough, the supply of cotton yarn can not meet the needs of the people, in order to accumulate national funds to solve people’s clothing problems, save dressing not only has economic significance, but also of great political significance. According to my hospital intends to save the dressing of the initial plan, this year can save dressing costs 6448 yuan to foreign fabric 32.4 yuan for each price, you can buy cloth 199 疋, can do 1343 sets of clothes. If vigorously promoted and aroused people’s attention and common saving, it will have a great positive impact on the livelihood of the national economy and the people. Saving dressing index: We propose saving targets: bandage consumption rate of 20%, 150 times the regeneration effect; gauze consumption rate of 30%, 60 times the effectiveness of regeneration; cotton ball