“THE GROWTH TRIANGLE OF SOUTHERN CHINA” is the base for China Yo extend economicrrncooperation with foreign countries in 1990s and early 21th century and the economic and trade cooperationrrnacross the Taiwan Strait should be considered in the realm of THE GROWTH TRIANGLE oF SoUTHERN CHINA. As the economic and tradt relations across the Taiwan Strait has developed for 10 years,rrnmainland becomes the important trade partner and the place for Taiwan investors. In view of the new situation after industrial structural readjustments of both sides,new features will occur in the economic andrrntradc relations across the Taiwan Strait and new prospect will emerge. The economic development of Taiwan will surely depend upon the whole mainland.
“THE GROWTH TRIANGLE OF SOUTHERN CHINA” is the base for China Yo extend economicrrncooperation with foreign countries in 1990s and early 21th century and the economic and trade cooperationrnacross the Taiwan Strait should be Considered in the realm of THE GROWTH TRIANGLE oF SoUTHERN CHINA. As the economic and tradt relations across the Taiwan Strait has developed for 10 years,rrnmainland becomes the important trade partner and the place for Taiwan investors. In view of the The new situation after industrial structure readjustments of both sides, new features will occur in the economic and rrntradc relations across the Taiwan Strait and new prospect will emerge. The economic development of Taiwan will surely depend upon the whole mainland.