我利用我班室内外的空间环境设计了各种活动角,使幼儿在自由活动时随时可观察,随处可操作。 1.自然角自然角设在室外窗台上,这样可使盆栽的植物得到阳光和雨露。我和孩子们一起种植小麦、大蒜、水仙、萝卜、白菜、蚕豆及各种草花。孩子们观察植物的成长并学习用图画记录下它们的生长过程。我们还收集了各种植物的种子,放在透明的玻璃瓶子里,供幼儿观察。秋天还收集各种落叶,制作成植物标本等。自然角里还喂养了金鱼、小甲鱼、螃蟹、蟛蜞、蚕、螺蛳等多种小动物。孩子们还捕捉昆虫,制作昆虫标本。自然角成了孩子们认识自然、探索自然的场所。
I have designed various activity corners using the space environment inside and outside my class to make children feel free to observe and operate anywhere. 1. Natural angle The natural angle is set on the outdoor windowsill, so that potted plants get the sun and rain. I grow wheat, garlic, narcissus, radish, cabbage, broad beans and all kinds of grass flowers with my children. Children observe the growth of plants and learn to graphically document their growth. We also collected the seeds of various plants in transparent glass bottles for observation by young children. Fall also collected a variety of leaves, made into plant specimens. In the natural corner is also feeding a variety of small animals such as goldfish, small turtle, crab, emus, silkworm, snail. Children also catch insects and make insect specimens. Natural corners have become places where children learn nature and explore nature.