婚姻保健是实施“三优”(优生、优育、优教)工程的第一关,而婚前检查则是婚姻保健的第一关.现就我所1990年婚检情况及存在的问题,谈谈个人看法. 一、资料与方法 (一)资料来源为1990年1月1日~12月30日来本所婚检人员,共1946例.其中男972人;女974人. (二)方法分别由本所男女医生和辅助科室(化验室、x光、心电)检查确诊. 二、结果本次接受婚检的人数占同期婚配人数的30%.共查出各种疾病患病人数为131人,患病率为6.73%.其中男64人,占3.29%;女67人.占
Marital health is the first step in the implementation of the “three excellent” (eugenics, excellent education, excellent teaching) project, and premarital examination is the first marriage and health care.On my 1990 premarital examination and the existing problems, talk about the individual First, the data and methods (a) data sources for the January 1, 1990 to December 30 to the premarital officers, a total of 1946 cases, of which 972 were males and 974 females (B) the method by the Institute Male and female doctors and auxiliary departments (laboratory, x-ray, ECG) examination confirmed. Second, the results of this pre-marital examination of the same period the number of married women accounted for 30% of the total number of illnesses found in various diseases was 131, The rate was 6.73%, of which 64 were males, accounting for 3.29%; 67 females