FDI in developing Countries;What Colombia should learn from China attracting policies

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  【Abstract】Existing studies of FDI in developing countries has its structural base in “Factors that attracts FDI”, however delineating social, cultural and political factors will be difficult for this case and therefore, the study will need to be focus on economical determining factors. Consequently, if we analyze FDI in The People’s Republic of China it will be necessarily to evoke the economic and political history since late 1970’s (economic opening) until China enters the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001.
  【Key words】FDI;China;Colombia;The People’s Republic of China;Colombia;FDI;Policies
  In this paper you will find a study about how foreign investment helps increase productivity growth in local firms, as well to contribute in higher growth for the host economies, occurring because of the spillovers of FDI. In this way, I would emphasize on what Colombia should learn about Chinese attracting FDI policies.
  There are different opinions and academic analysis regarding the FDI factors as for example: time, regions and location, industries and policy makers. Therefore, if we have a closer look to The Peoples Republic of China and their FDI income, is relevant to show how markets as Hong Kong and Taiwan contributes to Chinese development.
  According to Dunning’s Eclectic paradigm, factors as ownership, location and internalization are the main incentives for foreign firms to go abroad and decide to invest in developing countries such as Colombia where labor cost is low.In addition,the strategic location to enter in other markets in the region represents a key factor for multinational corporations(MNC’s)to locate its own production in the different countries were FDI is involve.
  Qian Sun, Wilson Tong, Qiao Yu explains it very well when they say: “FDI is conventionally defined as a form of international inter-firm cooperation that involves a significant equity stake in or effective management control of host country enterprises. However, in China, FDI is considered to encompass also other, non-equity co-operations such as contractual joint ventures, compensation trade, and joint exploration”①
  Economic growth is related with economical, political and cultural factors, however in order to determine which is more relevant it’s a complex analysis.In the long term, economies’will focus in productivity and the capacity to increase flow of products and services; this will be measured as production efficiency. Hence,if productivity rises and it is used same quantity of resources the result will be more income per capita which result in better quality life for the community. According to the economic growth theory,capital increasing is an important channel and positive effect by foreign investment in the host country.FDI becomes one source of improvement in production capacity and externalities will participate as well in every process of GDP growing.   If we see Colombia in particular and the liberalizing strategy that begun in the late 1990’s, puts the country in a learning position from abroad experiences. On the other hand,China is an excellent case of economic growth, infrastructure improvement,government investments, trade and internationalization. This is the main fact or issue of why Colombia needs to learn from China strategy.
  In recent years FDI has gain an important place in economic analysis;governments,MNC’S,banks,academics and students pay more attention to FDI behavior and its results around the world.Each country has developed and implemented different policies to measure how are the benefits and what is need to be done to attract and take advantage of the inflows of capital trough FDI tool.Costa Rica, China and Colombia are clear examples of the importance of FDI in a Macroeconomic environment,especially because those countries are developing economies and are located in different regions around the world. Empirical analysis affirms from a macroeconomic view that foreign investment is an engine of employment, high productivity,technological spillovers and indeed economic growth in terms of GDP.
  Findings have shown that China’s effort to attract FDI have had positive effects in the economy, the correlation between FDI and GDP growth is studied, however, the transition of China since its opening up and the adaptability of its economical sector and evolution from manufacturer industry to high tech industry to services industry is the main objective of Chinese policy makers, then Colombia should learn and apply similar policies according to its economy structure to develop and increase economic growth in different regions of the country through FDI.
  Economic impact of FDI has diverse and complex ways that make it difficult to quantify.FDI has different effects regarding dynamics on capital accumulation,technological development,economic growth,employment and international trade.FDI effects can be classified according how they affect the economy,either directly or indirectly,or positively or negatively.
  Some direct effects of FDI can be seen in the increase of productive capacity, the positive contribution of capital inflows to finance external debts, and the progressive rise of international trade due to higher demand of raw material and human capital in the host country and export of manufactured products by MNC’S located in the host country.
  Other scholars through empirical theories confirm indirect effects of FDI;hence capital inflows and the establishment of foreign firms contribute to technological spillovers,improvement of productivity; backwards for raw material suppliers or forward for market consumers and participants.It improves labor skills,corporate governance practices and administrative activities.   Economic growth theory explain that certain factors contribute to economic growth, if we put China in particular, there are economical, external, international and political factors that led to economic evolution, adaptation and integration with the world. FDI has an outstanding role in the investment in manufacturering sectors due to strong infrastructure, low labor cost, and location of natural resources and raw materials according to Dunning’s Eclectic Paradigm.
  It can act as a conclusion that according to economic growth theory the increase of capital is only one channel through FDI has a positive impact in host countries. This can be more important in developing economies that are not able to obtain capital and FDI it is a determinant factor for productive capacity expansion in host countries.
  FDI has a positive effect in economic growth through technology transfer from the foreign enterprises to local firms and has a special implication in long-term growth.Analysis concludes that a technological spillover takes place by externalities or indirect effects due to establishment of foreign capital in different industries.
  Positive macroeconomic effects in the host country are led by FDI in the balance of payments, capital account and exchange rate. In this sense capital inflows increase fiscal earnings in the host country, as long capital inflow is not attracted by reduction in tariffs. A positive effect in balance of payment takes place if the repatriation of profits which are not superior to capital inflow. However if the MNC is exported oriented mainly it can generate foreign currency more tan its own expenditure and its relation with international market bring positive effects due to a positive relation between growth rate and internationalization.
  Empirical analysis confirms there are positive correlation between FDI and GDP growth in both studied cases; China and Colombia. Both countries are dependent of FDI in order to maintain a high average of GDP growth rate.
  FDI Spillovers are key factors in economic growth of developing countries; technology, human capital, equipment and intangible benefits are attracted with FDI. However, different locations and policies can restrict that the whole country take benefits, but positive effects on the GDP and balance of payments can attract more FDI.
  Colombia’s FDI policies were more horizontal and passive; characterized by opening up policy, deregulation,denationalization,natural resources and low labor cost. Though,it needs a more active policy through strengthening organisms to promote“quality investments”in hand with development policies.
  Colombia still has disadvantages as high transaction costs, weak legal framework, instability, uncertainty and administrative obstacles for creation and development of enterprises.
  FDI has brought technological spillovers to Colombia economy and international trade increment, however it is not enough to modernize the economy and reach infrastructure standards of advance economies. Therefore, Colombia in order to continue being a receptor of high capital inflows should adapt and modify its legal framework according to international trade evolution.
  Colombia should provide the real information on time and efficiently through all the possible ways using tools as Internet, promotion agents and offices around the world to attract investors. [科]
【摘 要】在路桥工程中,采用预应力混凝土箱梁的施工形式比较常见。这种箱梁结构主要是以预制箱梁以及现浇箱梁为主。其中,预应力箱梁就是指施工操作人员在施工的过程中对箱梁结构施加一个预压应力,以降低箱梁自重为最终的目的,进而提升箱梁的承载能力。但是,在实际的施工过程中很容易受到各种因素的制约,影响到桥梁建筑的总体质量。施工人员需要对相关的措施进行加固处理,做好桥面的的维护和防水工作。本文中,笔者主要对箱
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【摘 要】某水利工程的输水干渠主要为全挖段和半挖半填段,挖深为 2.5~9m,土方开挖工程量为 25267m3。本文分析了输水干渠土方开挖施工技术相关问题。  【关键词】土方开挖;质量控制;防渗施工  1.土方开挖施工方案  1.1植被、垃圾清理  将渠道开挖区域内的树根、杂草、垃圾、废渣及监理人指明的其他有碍物清除,采用推土机进行植被清理、拢堆。清理范围延伸至离施工图所示最大开挖边线或建筑物基础
1.似然距离  为了对广义部分线性模型作统计推断,假设:对于响应变量Y密度函数的积分,可以关于参数β在积分号下求倒数。可进一步得到响应变量Y關于兴趣参数β的得分函数(β)、观察信息阵-(β)和Fisher信息阵J(β)的表达式。  又l()在处的Taylor展开可得:  l()≈l()+()(-)+(-)()(-)  ≈2{()(-)+(-){-()}(-)}。从而可得到()=0,-()≈J()。
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